Hello, I'm Fabio Derendinger.
I'm a full-stack web developer.

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Blackboard Maths Lecture
Fabio Derendinger

Fabio Derendinger

MSc Mathematics ETH Zürich, Ex-Management Consultant, Founder of Xambase

I combine a passion for numbers and data with a genuine fascination for visionary products and services. Among the things I like to do, read and think about are: Web Applications (Front and Back End), Lean Startups / Business Strategies, Data-driven Marketing, Machine Learning, Product Design, Investing and Real Estate.

The order is arbitrary and I’ve always considered myself as a generalist driven by the desire to continuously learn new things and skills. In the past, this broad expertise has helped me to tackle challenges in a holistic way and achieve quick results.

Fabio Derendinger

Front-end Projects

LunaInvest GIF
Goal Based Investing - LunaInvest MVP

Investing your money should be simple, transparent and goal based. Yet 99% of financial institutes sell their clients unsuited financial products and lack a strong digital user experience. Meet LunaInvest - my prototype of a modern investment service.

Pomodoro Clock GIF
Pomodoro Clock

An implementation of the effective time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. Built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Tic Tac Toe GIF
Tic Tac Toe

Fancy a game of Tic Tac Toe? The fully responsive implementation of this classic game allows to to play against a machine or another human beeing and was built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Simon Game GIF
Simon Game

Another game? Implementing Games, such as this "Simone Game", is a great way to practice skills required for the development of more interactive business web applications.

Back-end Projects

Item Catalog GIF
Item Catalog Webapp

The Item Catalog Webapp provides a list of items within a variety of categories, as well as a user registration and authentication system. This project uses persistent data storage to create a RESTful web application that allows users to perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations.

Movie Homepage GIF
Movie Trailer Website

Movie trailer website project, part of the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree. The server-side python script stores a list of my favorite movies, including box art imagery, movie trailer URL and additional metadata. This data is served as a webpage dynamically generetated by the python script.